Peter Kuryllowicz
"I began fishing at an early age, mostly around smaller back lakes in Port Loring and outside North Bay, Ontario. I developed an interest in fly fishing early on as well due to watching various fishing shows that highlighted the finesse and difficulty of the sport. I became slightly obsessed with learning everything about fly fishing, reading tons of books and eventually my family bought me a fly tying kit and a fly rod when I was eight years old. Fast forward 10+ years and fly fishing has become a very important passion of mine, I avidly tie all kinds of flies and take every chance I have to get out and fish for migratory and resident species. I spend most of my time in Ontario fishing Lake Ontario tributaries, and when it comes to open water fishing Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe are my home waters. As I continue to learn more about fly fishing, I make sure to take advantage of all the opportunities to pass on what I have learned and continue to get people into the sport."